The next step was to decide the pattern. What's that? You still didn't know your pattern? No, no, no. I have been approaching quilt pattern design in a more organic way and I allow the fabric to tell me what it will be. Barring that, I just cut it into strips, chop a bit more, sew a bit more, and Bingo! Quilt City!
This is what I made!
(Thanks to all the encouragement and help of the lovely ladies of WASIQ! You rock!)
(Thanks to all the encouragement and help of the lovely ladies of WASIQ! You rock!)
It is not finished yet, not quite- I still need to use that remaining gold as a border, and perhaps a bit of the dark brown as a binding?
But it did turn out pretty well, so far!
Now... I just need to get it completed in time for the Challenge vote!
(In 4 days. )